Anti-American Propaganda Distracts From the Real Threat of Global Power Elites and Special Interests10/24/2015 Most Americans want a government that protects us from crime, properly regulates industry, and builds sound civil infrastructure, yet we detest government incompetence, corruption, and overreach. Frankly, we tend to be very vocal in our criticism of the US government. Americans are particularly resentful when it comes to government catering to special interests. The reason is that special interests groups, such as the wealthy and transnational corporations, too often abuse their undue influence over government to advance their agendas at the expense of everyone else. Although the power struggle between Democrats and Republicans has become the focus of US politics, it is a distraction that prevents the International Community from addressing the threat of a narrowing global power class. Thanks largely to the Ukraine Crisis and the Russian Intervention Crisis in Syria, anti-American propaganda has reemerged as a serious concern. While it is easy to simply dismiss this propaganda as the Putin government attempting to shift blame onto the United States for these crises, anti-American sentiments resonate across many communities around the world due to America’s influence and legitimate grievances against US wrongdoings.
Where the American People often see government, corruption, and special interests as a threat to them, non-Americans often see US power, in general, as the threat. Frankly, US power is a tool used by the powerful to achieve their goals, but it is the power of all governments that self-serving global power elites use to pursue their own agendas. Like many countries, the United States faces growing income inequality and poverty due largely to policies designed to cater to the already wealthy, e.g. capital gains tax deduction and free trade. A lack of economic leverage tends to translate into less economic, social, and political influence, so the loss of national middle classes throughout the globe and the rise of a smaller global middle class can only be expected to make government less responsive to the needs of the many. The European Union, for example, can be rationalized as a means to empower smaller nations incapable of balancing US influence. Albeit supported by the US government as a way of creating an equivalent trade partner for the US economy, Americans see the European Union as an extraneous layer of government that impedes the representations of individuals Europeans and threatens democracy by creating distance between the Peoples and their policymakers. Furthermore, the American People recognize wrongs by the American government, such as those revealed by the Edward Snowden revelations, drive a great deal of anti-American sentiments. While some Americans embrace these wrongs as unfortunate necessities, there is also widespread concern over the damage done by rogue and hardliner elements within the US government. The problem is that the American People do not know how to combat these forces undermining American freedoms and values at home as well as around the globe. The wrongs of the US government do not, however, justify the wrongs of others, such as the Russian and Syrian governments. The truth is that the wrongs of all these affluent parties and so many others around the world hurt the International Community. Counter to the beliefs of those who see Russia and Syria as the innocent victims of US conspiracies, Americans are against the counterproductive, destructive policies of the Putin and Assad governments for the same reasons we are against what the CIA and NSA do wrong. It is easy for non-Americans as outsiders to focus on the destructive consequences of American influence and conclude the US is nothing but a problem. Eliminating the US as the world’s most powerful nation will, however, only shift global power to be seized by the same group of power elites elsewhere or to be abused by a different group of power seekers. What has always helped check and balance American influence for the good of the world has been the American People. The solution is, therefore, to releverage the American People, as well as all the Peoples of the world, by offering them greater representation in their governments, which must do more to cater to their interests instead of special interests.
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