Sunday, marks the beginning of the week the US government could default on its debt for the first time. This will likely to do untold damage to the US and global economy. Although the effects may or may not be apparent, at first, such a default will have lasting ripple effects. Given the significance of this upcoming event and the ongoing government shutdown, we should be able to assume the US House of Representative would be working around the clock with political activist groups storming the Capitol Building and home offices of every public official.
Instead, the House took the weekend off. Certainly, there are political groups working to the end the shutdown and avert a shutdown, yet it lacks the energy and volume we might expect considering the urgency of the situation. That said, supposed conservatives, who appear more and more like self-serving Libertarians and anarchists, to preach on and on about talking personal responsibility and fiscal responsibility. When someone is a leader, personal responsibility includes taking responsibility for decisions and actions that affect society. Meanwhile, fiscal responsibility certainly does not mean defaulting on debt, especially when you are using the Budget crises to push policy agendas. Consequently, one would expect the leaders of so-called conservative groups rally the masses in order to support specific solutions that might pass both Chambers of Congress with the approval of the Executive Branch. As it turns out, they decided to protest the closing of the memorials on the National Mall with guest appears from Senator Mike Lee, Senator Ted Cruz, and Former Governor Sarah Palin. It goes without saying that the sacrifices of the member of the armed forces must be remembered and honored, yet these protests were started to distract from what needs to be done. What some would like call the “Million Vet March” is a strategy to use patriot feelings and the military vote to garner support for the Right. In essence, the objective is to shift blame onto Obama for the shutdown and potential default. Quite frankly, no one involved in politics or the media should be focusing on who is to blame at this point, aside from mentioning the polls on the issue and identifying roadblocks in the problem solving problem. What we need to be focused on are potential solutions. That is the responsible thing to do. That is the conservative thing to do.
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April 2020