Afghan President Hamid Karzai has managed to disrupt the American-Afghanistan relationship one more time before he is due to leave office. By releasing 30 some prisoners deemed to be dangerous by the US government, Karzai has embarked on a path of confrontation with the United States. When it comes down to it, America’s access to Afghan airspace and territory for counterterrorism efforts is important, yet America’s support of the Afghan People is far more critical to Karzai’s People. Quite frankly, starting a conflict with the US is a lose-lose for Afghanistan as American can walk away; whereas, the Afghan People cannot. Finally, Karzai has nothing to gain by scoffing at America’s charity, unless he is truly realigning himself with the Taliban. In which case, it is America and the Afghan People who should be forcing a confrontation with the lame duck President.
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April 2020