Once again, the American People, alongside the rest of the world, are learning the NSA has far more skeletons in the closet than it would like to admit, including the fact the NSA has the ability to hack cell phones and has been gathering cell phone conversations of Americans all along. Again and again, we continually hear our national security officials and political leaders either dodging questions or making assurances that the US national security apparatus is behaving itself.
Quite frankly, they cannot make these assurances, because no one in our government knows what is going on in the shadows. For example, it has been confirmed that former FBI agent Robert Levinson, who has been held in Iran since 2007, was actually a CIA contractor. What is most shocking is that he was working on an unauthorized intelligence gathering operation. The reality is that our national security apparatus operates with little actual oversight while a few revisions in data gathering rules is not going to solve the problem. We need stronger oversight measures, including safe, formal channels for leaking top-secret information when the good guys in our CIA and NSA see wrongdoings.
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April 2020