Although unions, and/or other groups representing the interests of workers, are necessary, there are teachers whose behavior can be quite unbefitting for those in their positions, which hurts students. Teachers are supposed to be professionals, but their unions do have problems and unreasonable protections from tenure are a major source of those problems.
When there are teachers who pass out worksheets then hit the web, teachers who sleep in class, teachers who are thoroughly incompetent, good teachers who are fired for just being new, teachers who use school resources for personal or business uses, teachers who do drugs, teachers who have inappropriate sexual relationships with students, etc, tenure should mean jack while there are two groups responsible holding offenders accountable. Having seen all of these examples and more, this writer understands the reason why there is a growing movement to address the tenure issue, once and for all. Administrations that turn a blind eye to protect the image of their schools and their careers are obviously responsible for bad teachers in school. Meanwhile, teachers are responsible, because they are supposed to be a group of professionals. Being a professional means fostering higher standards and greater accountability; it also means mentoring and supporting follow professionals. Henceforth, it should not take legal action to deal with the tenure issue. School administration and teachers unions should be working identity, reform, and replace misbehaving teachers, without regard to tenure. Moreover, the protections of tenure should be checked for the good of students and teachers.
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April 2020