Veterans Day 2013 passed with traditional fanfare, but the headlines of the day centered on the humanitarian crisis unfolding in the Philippines. Ironically, US Marines landed in heavily hit areas on this day when we are celebrating our veterans. The third category five storm to hit the nation of islands since 2010 and the fourth typhoon this year, Typhoon Haiyan may well be responsible for the death of over ten thousand individuals while it certainly has overwhelmed the capacity of its government to cope. As such, an absence of US military intervention, along with the UN and the numerous non-governmental organizations of the world, would turn devastating crises of these natures into hopeless catastrophes.
In this age of our American-led International Community, our military’s mission is to suppress military threats, police terrorism, and address humanitarian crises. Although the Iraqi and Afghanistan Wars represent major conflicts, progress throughout the global community has significantly diminished this traditional role for all the militaries of the world. I am reminded of the scene in “Star Trek: Into the Darkness” when Scotty refused to accept the delivery of advanced weapons over his concerns that they may be undertaking a military mission. As Star Fleet is the military of the Star Trek world, this is quite ironic. Looking at current trends, we may see a point in the future when the traditional military role disappears. Furthermore, where US military intervention generates divisiveness and anti-American sentiments, US military intervention for the sake of humanitarian aid does not. In fact, it reminds the world that it is best served by a strong America. The best offensive strategy is a good defensive strategy, thus the United States pursues war when we see a threat and work to build a stable International Community. Without strong US leadership since the 1940s, if others had headed the International Community in terms of military strength, nations like the Philippines could not expect much foreign aid, if any. Without a strong US military serving as a global deterrent and stabilizer, there is a lot of good that would go undone. Traditional militaries serve the interests of a nation, not the interests of other nations and peoples; American leadership drives a world where it is in the interests of all nations to support the human needs of all people throughout the world. Today, the rest of the world embraces this responsibility to our fellow man, because America has led the way.
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