It seems the Senate is well on its way to producing a bill that would fund the Federal government through January, 15th, 2014 while setting up formal discussions on long-term tax code reforms and budgetary policies to be concluded by December 13th, 2013. It would be great if this effort succeeded as it makes the best of an out of control situation. This shutdown needs to end and the People’s finances must be put back in order. As such, lawmakers need to make this bill as clean as possible then vote on it. Anyone who throws a wrench into the workings of this latest proposal must be politically flogged by the American People and other political figures.
Unfortunately, the Senate has not been the major roadblock on this latest government drama. Accordingly, House members on the far Right are already demonizing the legislative push. That said, it is sometimes easier to begrudgingly support someone else’s efforts then it is to take full responsibility for proposing an unsavory solution. If moderate Republicans are willing to support the Senate’s legislation as, at least, a means to an end, the shutdown could end without much fuss and a near-death experience called a default. If too many Republican and Democratic Congressmen decide others will bite the bullet of compromise and fail to vote on it themselves, there is going to be a big mess come Thursday. Of course, what the House does or does not do will be irrelevant if someone like Senator Ted Cruz or Senator Mike Lee decide to derail, or “delay,” the effort in the Senate. All and all, things might sound a little better at this point, but default continues to be the more likely outcome given the trajectory. Consequently, this is the time for the American People to speak up; if this effort fails, later might too late.
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